Bee City USA is an initiative of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Bee City USA provides a framework for communities to come together and pledge to conserve native pollinators by providing them with healthy habitat that is rich in a variety of native plants, provides nest sites, and is protected from pesticides. In March 2021, the City of Bellevue became the first Bee City USA in Nebraska.
The United States is home to over 3,600 native bee species, as well as introduced species such as the honeybee. Bees are very effective pollinators.
Bee populations are in steep decline due to habitat loss and widespread use of pesticides; up to 40% of pollinator species are at risk of extinction due to human impacts. When we protect native bees, other native pollinators benefit.
Whether you own your own home or rent; all residents are invited to increase bee habitat through planting native plants. Even a window box, balcony garden or large pot with native flowering plants makes a difference.
We invite the Bellevue community to plant a pollinator garden, take this pledge to certify your garden and be apart of Bee City USA!

Join our Bee City USA Committee
Using the Bee City USA framework - this Bee City initiative is charting a course for the City of Bellevue to increase the abundance of native plants, provide nest sites and reduce the use of pesticides through partnering with residents, businesses, schools, utilities and government to educate our community about the why, what and how to protect Bees and insects.
We meet the first Wednesday of the month.